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Profile of Alain Enthoven

Alain Enthoven

Chmn. - Extend Benefits Group LLC
Alain Enthoven Email :
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Company Name : Extend Benefits Group LLC
Company Website : https://www.extendbenefits.com
Company Address : 2150 S 1300 E
Ste. 320, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States,
Alain Enthoven Profile :
Chmn. - Extend Benefits Group LLC
Alain Enthoven Biography :

Professor Alain Enthoven has published widely in the fields of the economics, organization, management and public policy of health care in the U.S.A. and U.K. Professor Enthoven is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is Chairman of Stanford's Committee on Faculty/Staff Human Resources. He has been a consultant to the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program since 1973. He has served as Chairman of the Health Benefits Advisory Council for CalPERS, the California State employees' medical and hospital care plans. He has been a director of the Jackson Hole Group, PCS, Caresoft Inc. and eBenX, Inc. He is a member of the research advisory board of the Committee for Economic Development. He was the 1994 winner of the Baxter Prize for Health Services Research and the 1995 winner of the Board of Directors Award of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. In 1997, Governor Wilson appointed him Chairman of the California Managed Healthcare Improvement Task Force. Commissioned by the State Legislature, the Task Force addressed health care issues raised by managed care. In 1998-99, he was the Rock Carling Fellow of the Nuffield Trust in London and also Visiting Professor at the London School of Hygene and Tropical Medicine, and Visiting Fellow at New College, Oxford. Professor Enthoven holds degrees in Economics from Stanford, Oxford, and MIT. He began his teaching career in 1955 while an Instructor in Economics at MIT.

Alain Enthoven Colleagues :
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Bryce Williams

Board Dir., CEO, Pres. Please login

Cameron Liljenquist

CTO Please login

Joseph Murad

Sr. VP - Corporate Development Please login

Brian Tenner

Sr. VP - Sales Please login

Jim Baloun

VP - Client Integrations Please login

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