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Profile of Bernd Cordes

Bernd Cordes

Program Officer - Conservation, Science - David & Lucile Packard Foundation
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Company Name : David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Company Website : www.packard.org
Company Address : 300 Second St.
, Los Altos, CA,
United States,
Bernd Cordes Profile :
Program Officer - Conservation, Science - David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Bernd Cordes Biography :

Bernd joined the Foundation in 1999. In his current role as program officer for Western Pacific, Bernd manages the Foundation's coastal marine conservation investments in seven countries in the Asia-Pacific region. He is responsible for implementing a grantmaking strategy focused on the conservation and sustainable use of specific coastal habitats in the world's center of biological diversity and on increasing the number of individuals in the region with the resources to sustain the effort over the long-term.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Bernd was with the Biodiversity Conservation Network where he worked for more than six years on an initiative that sought to conserve terrestrial and marine habitats in 39 sites spread across the Asia-Pacific region and to test the conditions under which business enterprises could create incentives for conservation at those sites. Before joining the Foundation, Bernd was based in Indonesia.

Bernd holds an A.B. in diplomacy and world affairs from Occidental College and a M.A. public policy studies and southeast Asian studies from the University of Michigan.

Bernd Cordes Colleagues :
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Edward Barnholt

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Nancy Burnett

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Linda Griego

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Donald Kennedy

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Carol Larson

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