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Profile of Daniel Markstein

Daniel Markstein

Attorney - Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
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Company Name : Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
Company Website : www.mcglaw.com
Company Address : 2400 Regions/Harbert Plz.
1901 Sixth Ave. N, Birmingham, AL,
United States,
Daniel Markstein Profile :
Attorney - Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
Daniel Markstein Biography :

Mr. Markstein is currently serving as the President of the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (ACTEC). As President, Markstein's duties will include presiding over national meetings of the College and attending nine regional meetings and various state meetings. ACTEC is a professional association consisting of approximately 2,600 lawyers from throughout the United States, Canada and other American jurisdictions. Fellows of the College are selected on the basis of professional reputation and ability in the fields of trusts and estates and on the basis of having made substantial contributions to these fields through lecturing, writing, teaching and bar activities. Seminars: Planning Techniques With Partnerships (Including How To Unwind Them),American Legal Institute-American Bar Association, Maui, HI (February 23, 2007)Planning Issues in Connection with Prenuptial Agreements, American Legal Institute-American Bar Association, Maui, HI (February 24, 2007) Income Tax Consequenes of Unwinding Limited Partnerships, 41st Annual Philip E. Heckerling University of Miami Estate Planning Institute, Miami, FL (January 11, 2007) Two Hot Tips, Estate Planning Council of Birmingham, Alabama (October 5, 2006) Post-Mortem Business Succession Planning: The Transfer Tax Part, American Bar Association, Tax Section Committee on S Corporations (February 3, 2006) Wealth Management Summit, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (October 18, 2005) Business Succession Planning, Southern Federal Tax Institute, Atlanta, GA (September 29, 2005) Post-Mortem Estate Planning With Limited Partnerships, Notre Dame Estate Planning Institute, South Bend, IN (October 8, 2004) Post-Mortem Estate Planning With Limited Partnerships, Arizona State Bar, Phoenix, AZ (June 9, 2004) ALI-ABA Advanced Estate Planning Update, Washington, D.C. (June 3, 2004) Restricted Management Accounts, American Bar Association, Section of Taxation, Estate and Gift Tax Committee, Kissimmee, FL (January 30, 2004) GRATs And Other Structured Value Transfers, Southern Federal Tax Institute, Atlanta, GA (September 19, 2003) ALI-ABA Winter Estate Planning Update, Washington, D.C. (February 14, 2003) From The Far Bank Of The River Styx: Post-Mortem Estate Planning With Limited Partnerships,37th Philip E. Heckerling University of Miami Estate Planning Institute, Miami, FL (January 9, 2003) ALI-ABA Spring Estate Planning Update, Washington, D.C. (June 6, 2002) Business Succession Planning: A Case Study, ACTEC Annual Meeting, La Quinta, CA (March 2, 2002) Giving Well is the Best Revenge: Planning Opportunities with Stock Options, Philadelphia Estate Planning Council (January 15, 2002) Stock Options Incentive Planning, 52nd Annual West Virginia Tax Institute, Pipestem, WV (October 9, 2001) Options And Restricted Stock: Planning Opportunities With Stock Options, American Bar Association, Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law--Annual Spring Symposia, Arlington, VA (April 26, 2001)Income And Estate Planning Strategies For Non-Qualified Stock Options, ACTEC Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, FL (March 10, 2001) Planning Opportunities With Stock Options, Tennessee Federal Tax Institute, Nashville, TN (November 29, 2000) Planning Opportunities With Stock Options,45th Annual Estate Planning Seminar of the Estate Planning Council of Seattle, Seattle, WA (October 16, 2000) Estate Planning For Qualified Plans And IRAs,State Bar of Texas, San Francisco, CA (April 28, 2000) Planning Opportunities With Stock Options,Massachusetts Institute for Continuing Legal Education, Boston, MA (March 31, 2000) Estate Planning For Qualified Plans And IRAs, Estate Planning Council of Central Texas, Austin, TX (February 22, 2000) Giving Well Is The Best Revenge: Planning Opportunities With Stock Options, 34th Annual Philip E. Heckerling University of Miami Estate Planning Institute, Miami, FL (January 7, 2000)Estate Planning For Qualified Plans and IRAs, Federal Tax Day, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, New Brunswick, NJ (May 3, 1999) Hot (Or Slightly Warmed Over) Planning Techniques With Charitable Trusts, ACTEC Fall Meeting, Cleveland, OH (October 17, 1998)Distributions From S Corporations and ESBTs, 49th Annual West Virginia Tax Institute, Davis, WV (September 28, 1998) Estate Planning For Qualified Plans And IRAs, ACTEC Regional Meeting, Red Lodge, MT (May 15, 1998) Estate Planning For Qualified Plans And IRAs, American Bar Association, Section on Real Property, Probate and Trust Law, San Francisco, CA (August 4, 1997) Prior To Maynard Cooper: Mr. Markstein was commissioned in the U.S. Army (Armor) and served to the rank of captain with the U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam, where he was decorated with the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. Publications: Business Succession Planning that Meets the Owner's Needs 07/01/2006 Post-Mortem Opportunities and Pitfalls With Limited Partnerships, Part Two 03/01/2004 Post-Mortem Estate Planning With Limited Partnerships, Part One 02/01/2004 Consider Your Options: Income and Estate Planning With Stock Options 07/01/2002 Selected Issues in Estate Planning for S Corporations and their Shareholders 04/17/1998 New Developments Create Opportunities Via Gifts Of Stock Options 11/01/1997.

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