Darron Granger PE Senior Vice President of the Company. Mr. Granger has more than 37 years of cryogenic engineering in project management and process design. His experience emphasis is in Owner's Engineer Project Management HAZOP analysis hydrocarbon processing LNG LPG refrigeration and cryogenic system designs and their start-ups. This background includes natural gas process design hydrocarbon pipelines cryogenic refrigeration systems LNG/ LPG terminal design LNG peakshaving plant design utility plant and distribution systems gas compressor stations computer process simulations and detail knowledge of the Codes for LNG facilities (NFPA-59A 49 CFR Part 193 BS-EN-1473) and FERC requirements. Also field experience in pre-commissioning start-ups equipment testing and system troubleshooting. He was a self-employed Process Engineering Consultant for 14 years associated with LNG primarily as the Owner's Engineer. Mr. Granger is also the developer/owner of several LNG related patents as well as the shipping simulation program; ShipSim �. |