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Profile of Darryl Jones

Darryl Jones

CFO, Corp. Sec. - Corriente Resources Inc.
Darryl Jones Email :
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Company Name : Corriente Resources Inc.
Company Website : www.corriente.com
Company Address : 520-800 W. Pender St.
, Vancouver, BC,
Darryl Jones Profile :
CFO, Corp. Sec. - Corriente Resources Inc.
Darryl Jones Biography :

Mr. Jones received his formal training as a Chartered Accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers (1981-1987, Senior Audit Manager) after having graduated from Simon Fraser University with a B.A. (Majors in Business Administration and Economics) in 1981.

While with PwC, Mr. Jones was a member of or led PwC audit teams reporting on several of BC�s largest mining and forestry companies, and consulted to or performed statutory reviews of a number of PwC clients� corporate financings and reorganizations.

Since leaving PwC in 1987, he has been involved with a number of private and public company start-up situations in Canada and the USA, having held senior management roles such as Chief Financial Officer, Vice-President, Finance or President.

Mr. Jones has been active in developing public company operations since 1987 and has been a key Management team member in development-stage corporate financings, while responsible for all aspects of regulatory compliance, operational budgeting and risk management.

Darryl Jones Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Kenneth Shannon

Dir., CEO Please login

Thomas Milner

Pres. Please login

Daniel Carriere

Sr. VP Please login

Richard Clark

Board Dir. Please login

Anthony Holler

Chmn. Please login

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