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Profile of Dave Barrett

Dave Barrett

General Partner, Polaris Venture Partner - Convoq Inc.
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Company Name : Convoq Inc.
Company Website : www.convoq.com
Company Address : 55 Hayden Ave.
, Lexington, MA,
United States,
Dave Barrett Profile :
General Partner, Polaris Venture Partner - Convoq Inc.
Dave Barrett Biography :

Dave Barrett is a general partner in our Boston office. He joined Polaris in May 2000. Dave focuses on investment opportunities in information technology.

Dave joined Polaris Venture Partners after a 21-year career of success as an operating executive. As an officer and director of four category-leading software developers during their periods of highest growth, he built and led teams which delivered significant enterprise infrastructure and applications value. His leadership experience includes broad successes in developing revenue machines, strategic alliances, executive teams and involvement in over 20 acquisitions and mergers.

Through March 2000, Dave served as chief operating officer of Calico. During his tenure, his team realigned the company and drove an eight- fold revenue increase to over $40 million, market value of over $1.5 billion as one of the top-performing IPOs of 1999, and its position at the time as a leading e-business infrastructure provider.

Prior, Dave served as senior vice president of worldwide operations for Pure Atria Software Corporation, a $150 million revenue, publicly- held market leader in software development automation sold to Rational Software Corporation (NYSE:IBM) for $1 billion in 1997, which since has served as a cornerstone of that company's product line and revenue success.

Before Rational, Dave spent twelve years with Lotus Development Corporation, a $1 billion revenue, publicly-held pioneer in enterprise software, where among many executive roles, he served as vice president of field sales and services. In that position, he led the build-out of the company's global sales & services effort which helped to establish Lotus Notes as an industry-defining software standard. Lotus was sold to IBM in 1995 for $3.4 billion, the largest acquisition in the software industry up to that point in time.

Dave represents Polaris on the boards of 170 Systems, Inc., Convoq, Imprivata, Netliant, RIS, and Service Integrity. He also served in the past on the boards of and Centra Software (NASDAQ: CTRA).

Dave holds a B.S. in marketing management from the University of Rhode Island.

Dave Barrett Colleagues :
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Jeffrey Beir

General Partner, North Bridge Venture Partner Please login

Chris Noble

General Partner, Bay Partner Please login

Steve Brand

CEO Please login

Christopher Herot

Founder, CTO Please login

Dermot O'Grady

COO Please login

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