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Profile of David Lindgren

David Lindgren

Partner - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
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Company Name : Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
Company Website : www.downeybrand.com
Company Address : 555 Capitol Mall
10th Fl., Sacramento, CA,
United States,
David Lindgren Profile :
Partner - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
David Lindgren Biography :


Developed concept for and negotiated complex groundwater banking and water supply agreements to restructure and extend the water supply of a multi-state, multi-utility electric generating station.

Successfully challenged (on behalf of publicly-owned electric utility) Interior Department environmental releases of water from Trinity Reservoir (E.D. Cal. 2003, on appeal); defended (on behalf of wholesale water agency for southern Nevada) environmentalist challenge to Interior Department Colorado River operations (D. Arizona, 9th Cir. 1998).

Devised contract, regulatory, and environmental strategies for development and transport of groundwater for use on distant agricultural lands.

Negotiated multi-party agreements among municipal purveyors, real estate d eveloper, and water wholesaler to provide water supply for a major regional industrial, commercial, and residential development.

Successfully led defense of litigation over claimed damages from elevated groundwater table (argued case before California Co urt of Appeal).

Negotiated innovative agreements to govern multi-agency water authority and to guide development of multi-billion dollar expansion of wholesale water system.

Negotiated first, precedent-setting U.S. Bureau of Reclamation long-term renew al water supply contract.

Former Regional Solicitor (Pacific Southwest Region) for the Department of the Interior, Sacramento, California.

Former Special Counsel to the Under Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

Former Assistant General Counsel to the American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.

Former Deputy Solicitor and Associate Solicitor of Public Lands for the Department of The Interior, Washington, D.C.


California and District of Columbia, United States Supreme Court, federal courts in California, and Washington, D.C., Admitted to Practice

American Bar Association, Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law and Administrative Law Sections, Member; SONREEL Agriculture Law Committee, Former Chair

Sacramento County Bar Association, Member

Association of California Water Agencies, Federal Affairs Committee, Member

California Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resources Committee, Member

California Municipal Utilities Association, Member

Administrative Conference of the United States, Former Member

Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Member

Colorado River Water Users Association, Member


University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall) (J.D., 1963)

Stanford University (A.B., 1960)


Annual Articles on California 's Colorado River Entitlement and the IID/San Diego transfer, California Water Law & Policy Reporter (Dec. 2002, June 1999, March 1998, January 1997, July 1995), Author

46 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 25-1, The Colorado River : Slow Progress and New Approaches, 2000, Author

9 California Water Law & Policy Reporter , 197, Colorado River Update: Sturm and Drang, But Is There Progress, June 1999, Author

38 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 25-1, The Colorado River: Are New Approaches Possible Now That the Reality of Overallocation is Here? 1992, Author

25 S.W. Oil & Gas Law & Tax Institute 277, The Role of the Federal Administrator in Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law: Setting or Enforcing National Priorities? 1974, Author

17 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 113, Conservation, the Environment and Federal Oil and Gas Operations, 1972, Author


Colorado River Compact Symposia, Santa Fe (1997, 2001, 2003)(attendance by invitation only), Moderator and Panelist

American Bar Association Annual Water Law Conference (1995, 1986), Written presentation on Conference on Environmental Law on the U.S.-Mexico Border (Scottsdale 2002), National Hydropower Association Conference (Washington, D.C. 2002), Western Water Law Conference (Denver) (2000, 1999, 1998, 1997), California Water Law Conference (2000, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991), Nevada Water Law Conference (1999, 1998, 1996, 1995), State Bar of California Environmental Law Institute (1998), Colorado River Conference (2001), Association of California Water Agencies (1999, 1993, 1989, 1988), Endangered Species Act and Habitat Conservation Planning Conference (1998), Western States Water Council (1986), Association of American State Geologists (1986), Lecturer


Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra Association, President

Sacramento Symphony Foundation, Board of Trustees, Member

Sacramento Theatre Company, Board of Trustees, Former Member and Past President.

David Lindgren Colleagues :
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David Aladjem

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Annie Amaral

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Sallie Armstrong

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Meghan Baker

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George Basye

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