Leads Monsanto's legal organization and serves as Secretary to the Board
Work History
Deputy General Counsel, Monsanto, responsible for litigation, environmental, antitrust, regulatory and intellectual property issues
Successfully directed novel patent and antitrust litigation involving intellectual property in the field of genetic biotechnology
Participated in a number of important cases for Monsanto, including the longest civil jury trial in U.S. history (Kemner v. Monsanto, 3 � years)
Array of positions in Monsanto's Law Department, including litigation, environmental and intellectual property
Attorney at Law, Barnes & Thornburg
J.D., magna cum laude, Indiana University School of Law
B.S., magna cum laude, Ball State University
Vice Chair, American Bar Association's Litigation Section Committee on Corporate counsel
American Bar Association Litigation Section
Served as Note Editor, Indiana Law Review
Dave enjoys skiing, rollerblading and cycling.
Associate General Counsel, Litigation - Monsanto Company, 2000-2004; Deputy General Counsel, Core Functions - Monsanto Company, 2004-9/06; present position, 9/06