Dr. David J. Eby is a Managing Engineer in Exponent�s Mechanics and Materials practice. Dr. Eby has experience solving complex problems in a variety of industries including: biomedical (heart valves pumps and inhalation devices) marine (watercraft behavior under sea conditions) gas and oil (sloshing/mixing of fuels in tanks static mixers design of nozzles fluid structure interaction of compressors/turbines) automotive (optimization for crashworthiness under-hood thermal management fluid structure interaction of HVAC units and swirl inducers) electronic (heat transfer and cooling) civil (smoke propagation in tunnels and buildings) and aerospace (optimization of laminated composites fluid structure interaction of wings). He also has experience in intellectual property evaluation.
Dr. Eby�s areas of specialization include mechanical system design experimental analytical and numerical stress analyses numerical thermal fluids analyses and application of design optimization to industrial problems. |