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Profile of David King

David King

Chmn. - State Employees Credit Union
David King Email :
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Company Name : State Employees Credit Union
Company Website : www.ncsecu.org
Company Address : PO Box 29606
, Raleigh, NC,
United States,
David King Profile :
Chmn. - State Employees Credit Union
David King Biography :

Balancing his time between two young children and an intense love for sports, Mr. King has found time to volunteer at State Employees� Credit Union for over 16 years. The first 10 years were spent as a member of SECU�s Loan Review Committee and for the past six years he has served on the Board of Directors, where he now holds the position of Chairman. He has distinct North Carolina roots, attending high school, college, graduate school and serving in the military all in North Carolina. Mr. King works with the Department of Transportation. What does SECU mean to Mr. King? Mr. King has always had a strong belief in North Carolina�s state motto Esse Quam Videri to be rather than to seem and states, The notion that a group of state employees, community college, university and public school employees can band together to borrow and save with better rates and better services than other financial institutions can offer appeals to me immensely. As a group we can also choose to provide services and programs which benefit the broader community and lift up the weakest among us service without undue attention to profit.

David King Colleagues :
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James Barber

Vice Chmn. Please login

Shirley Bell

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Bob Brinson

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Karan Bunn

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Steve Conrad

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