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Profile of David Kronenberg

David Kronenberg

Assoc. Attorney - Foley Hoag LLP
David Kronenberg Email :
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Company Name : Foley Hoag LLP
Company Website : www.fhe.com
Company Address : 155 Seaport Blvd.
Seaport World Trade Ctr. W, Boston, MA,
United States,
David Kronenberg Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Foley Hoag LLP
David Kronenberg Biography :

David Kronenberg



David Kronenberg has extensive experience, legal and technical, in environmental compliance and occupational safety. He has counseled clients in the general manufacturing, bulk and specialty chemical manufacturing, energy, electronics, resource extraction and processing, transportation, and waste management industries. He has worked with the federal and state-equivalent Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA, and OSHA regulations, and has represented clients in successful environmental permitting efforts for chemical manufacturing plants, electrical generating facilities, and waste management operations.

Mr. Kronenberg has represented clients in the defense of complex litigation including single-state, multi-state, and nationwide class actions alleging personal injuries and fatalities and seeking billions of dollars in damages. He has also served as the environmental counsel for clients in transactions including the purchase of a $500 million electrical generating facility and a $1.8 billion infrastructure auction. Mr. Kronenberg has assisted with environmental insurance coverage actions as well, including multi-million-dollar actions to demonstrate and define coverage for historic contamination.

Prior to his career as an environmental attorney, Mr. Kronenberg served as Manager of Environmental Affairs at the Division and Corporate levels for a Fortune 100 corporation, where he was responsible for air, water, waste, product stewardship, and occupational safety compliance. He was also a Senior Consultant in environmental and occupational compliance for a leading management consulting firm. He has managed and performed environmental compliance and occupational safety audits at dozens of industrial facilities and has managed the environmental due diligence assessment for several billions of dollars in business and real estate transactions.

Bars and Court Admissions

Supreme Court of Illinois

U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

David Kronenberg Colleagues :
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Michele Adelman

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Nabeel Ahmad

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Ramzi Ajami

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Sarah Altschuller

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