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Profile of David Urquhart

David Urquhart

Pres., CEO - Morgan Creek Energy Corp.
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Company Name : Morgan Creek Energy Corp.
Company Website : www.morgancreekenergy.com
Company Address : 3625 N Hall St.
Ste. 900, Dallas, TX,
United States,
David Urquhart Profile :
Pres., CEO - Morgan Creek Energy Corp.
David Urquhart Biography :

David Urquhart is a Canadian professional engineer with over thirty-five years of progressively responsible operational engineering management and executive experience in all facets of the equipment fabrication and hydrocarbon industries: from production operations drilling and completion operations exploration and exploitation operations to plant and facility design and construction process equipment fabrication product marketing project economics operating budgets acquisitions and divestitures.

His broad workplace experience has provided him with extensive national and international exposure in business development facility construction and project management as well as production operations and engineering throughout the Americas and Africa. He is also experienced in operations manufacturing marketing and sales in Eastern Europe the Middle East the Orient and Africa.

Through his consulting firm Westhampton Ltd. Mr. Urquhart has provided services to a wide range of junior to mid-size mining and petroleum companies in the United States Canada Algeria Africa Russia Tunisia China and the Middle East.

Prior to founding his own company Mr. Urquhart served as Vice President Energy Group for Finex Capital Corporation of Calgary Alberta. Finex was a Calgary based merchant banking entity owned by First City Trust and charged with the management of an extensive investment portfolio in both energy and commercial real estate assets. He also served as the senior officer in the establishment of all Finex owned and operated oil and gas service companies as well as being responsible for providing operational management to all Finex oil and gas production related subsidiary operations.

From the 1960s until 1983 when he joined Finex Capital Mr. Urquhart was employed in a variety of successive senior management positions primarily in charge of drilling and production operations for established petroleum development and production companies. The list of firms includes Petroleum Technologies of Wichita Kansas (1983 - 1987) Hexagon Gas Limited of Calgary Alberta (1977 - 1983) and Suncor Inc. of Calgary Alberta (1968 - 1977).

Mr. Urquhart�s professional affiliations include the Association of Professional Engineers Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy -- Petroleum Society the American Society of Petroleum Engineers and the Association of Drilling Engineers.

David Urquhart received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Dalhousie University Halifax Nova Scotia and his Bachelor of Engineering in Mining from Nova Scotia Technical College (now Dal Tech) Halifax Nova Scotia.

David Urquhart Colleagues :
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Marcus Johnson

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Thomas Markham

Chief Geologist Please login

William Begley

Mgr. - Operations Please login

Erik Essiger

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Douglas Humphreys

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