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Profile of Dean Oestreich

Dean Oestreich

Chmn. - Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
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Company Name : Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Company Website : www.pioneer.com
Company Address : PO Box 1000
, Johnston, IA,
United States,
Dean Oestreich Profile :
Chmn. - Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.
Dean Oestreich Biography :

Dean C. Oestreich is chairman of Pioneer Hi-Bred and vice president - DuPont.Dean joined Pioneer in 1974 as a corn breeder after graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in agronomy. Dean held positions in Information Management between 1980 and 1990. He became director of Worldwide Parent Seed in 1990. After three years in this role, Dean was named Supply Management director responsible for seed production operations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Pacific.

Dean was named vice president for the Africa, Middle East, Asia and Pacific business in 1999. He became vice president of global production operations in 2001 and was named vice president and business director, North America Operations in 2002. Dean became the 10th president of Pioneer in January 2004. He was named chairman November 2007.

He is a director-at-large for the American Seed Trade Association and a director for the Chinese Cultural Center of America . Dean is a member of the Iowa Business Council and serves on the executive committee of the Biosciences Alliance of Iowa, as well as the Boa rd of Trustees for the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines.Dean received a degree in agronomy from the University of Minnesota.

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