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Profile of Derace Schaffer

Derace Schaffer

Board Dir. - Allion Healthcare Inc.
Derace Schaffer Email :
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Company Name : Allion Healthcare Inc.
Company Website : www.allionhealthcare.com
Company Address : 1660 Walt Whitman Rd.
Ste. 105, Melville, NY,
United States,
Derace Schaffer Profile :
Board Dir. - Allion Healthcare Inc.
Derace Schaffer Biography :

Dr. Schaffer has served as one of our directors since 1996. Dr. Schaffer is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Lan Group, a venture capital firm specializing in healthcare and high technology investments. Dr. Schaffer currently serves as a director of the following public companies: Healthcare Acquisition Corp., American CareSource Holdings, Inc. and CareGuide, Inc. (f/k/a Patient Infosystems, Inc.). He also served as chairman of several healthcare companies including Radiologix, Inc. and Patient Infosystems, Inc. when those companies were private. From 1980 to 2001, Dr. Schaffer was Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Imaging Group, P.C. Dr. Schaffer received his postgraduate radiology training at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, where he served as Chief Resident. Dr. Schaffer is currently also a Clinical Professor of Radiology at Weill Cornell Medical School and a member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the national medical honor society.

Derace Schaffer Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Michael Moran

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Russell Fichera

Board Dir. Please login

John Pappajohn

Board Dir. Please login

Harvey Werblowsky

Board Dir. Please login

James Spencer

CFO, Sec., Treasurer Please login

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