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Profile of Dick Benkendorf

Dick Benkendorf

Principal - Kuhn Capital
Dick Benkendorf Email :
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Company Name : Kuhn Capital
Company Website : www.kuhncap.com
Company Address : 500 W Ave.
Ste. 200, Lake Forest, IL,
United States,
Dick Benkendorf Profile :
Principal - Kuhn Capital
Dick Benkendorf Biography :

Dick Benkendorf is, or has been, a member of a number of software, banking, energy and civic organizations boards, and has authored a variety of articles for industry journals.

As SVP at Ameritech he was responsible for M&A, venture capital and joint ventures. There he managed over 20 investments totaling nearly $3 billion, subsequently divesting some of these for $4 billion. Before that he founded and led Travelers/Diebold Technology, an investor and acquirer of software and information services companies. He was also founding partner of ISSS Ventures, a $150 million venture fund focused on the same sort of businesses.

Earlier he was president of Telemed, a large software and services company that he turned-around, an SVP at ADP, the founder of The American Software Company (TASC), and chairman of Execucom Systems Corporation. He has a BBA from the University of Notre Dame and graduated from IBM's Sands Point program.

Dick Benkendorf Colleagues :
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Ryan Kuhn

Founder, Principal Please login

Pat Richmond

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Tom Breuer

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Ed Thorn

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Gerald Berstell

Principal Please login

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