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Profile of Dixon Pike

Dixon Pike

Partner - Portland, Maine office - Pierce Atwood LLP
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Company Name : Pierce Atwood LLP
Company Website : www.pierceatwood.com
Company Address : 77 Winthrop St.
, Augusta, ME,
United States,
Dixon Pike Profile :
Partner - Portland, Maine office - Pierce Atwood LLP
Dixon Pike Biography :

Dixon is the Chair of the firm�s Environmental Practice Group. Dixon has been with the firm since 1987 and has extensive experience assisting clients with environmental permitting, compliance, and enforcement issues with particular focus on state and federal air laws, pollution prevention initiatives, and toxics reduction requirements. Dixon has been involved in hundreds of air quality licensing, regulatory and enforcement activities, representing a wide variety of business and manufacturing interests, including pulp and paper, forest products, electric utility, leather tanning, textile, food products, automobile manufacturing and metal products industries. He has advised businesses in over a dozen states on local and national issues, including, most recently, Clean Air Act Title V permitting and PSD/NSR enforcement matters. Dixon has served as national environmental counsel for a paper products company with facilities in five states and as counsel to the Maine Pulp and Paper Association's Environmental Affairs Committee. Dixon�s work has included assisting clients to obtain PSD/NSR permits, netting out of PSD/NSR, dealing with Federal Land Managers on visibility impact issues, obtaining offsets to satisfy nonattainment new source review requirements, seeking a Clean Air Act Section 182(f) waiver for the northern half of the state, developing Clean Air Act � 112 Risk Management Plans, Title V compliance certifications and defending major enforcement actions. Dixon has had a major role in virtually all State of Maine air quality rulemakings since 1987, with special emphasis on those relating to the major overhaul of Maine�s air permitting rules in 1987 - 1988 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Dixon has also performed numerous environmental audits and advised clients on a wide range of other environmental law issues, including asbestos, pollution prevention, land use and chemical safety issues. Dixon has been involved in numerous administrative and judicial appeals of agency actions. He also engages in a substantial amount of legislative work, primarily legislative issues under consideration by the Maine Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources and regularly advocates before the Maine Board of Environmental Protection.

Dixon Pike Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Patricia Aho

Dir., Governmental Relations - Augusta, Maine Office Please login

Helen Edmonds

Partner - Augusta, Maine Office Please login

Malcolm Lyons

Partner - Augusta, Maine Office Please login

Daniel Stevens

Counsel - Augusta, Maine Office Please login

Warren Winslow

Partner - Augusta, Maine Office Please login

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