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Profile of Don Bailey

Don Bailey

Expertise - Early Intervention, Early Education Programs - Research Triangle Institute
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Company Name : Research Triangle Institute
Company Website : www.rti.org
Company Address : PO Box 12194
, Research Triangle Park, NC,
United States,
Don Bailey Profile :
Expertise - Early Intervention, Early Education Programs - Research Triangle Institute
Don Bailey Biography :

Don Bailey, PhD, Distinguished Fellow in early childhood development, appointed November 2005, is internationally known as an expert on young children with disabilities, with a particular emphasis on their families and the role of early intervention. Before coming to RTI, Bailey was W. R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and from 1992-2006 director of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. He retains an appointment as research professor at UNC-CH. His studies have focused on a genetic disorder called "fragile X syndrome" and the role of newborn screening and early intervention in helping children function with this condition. He has authored or coauthored more than nine books, 30 book chapters, and 123 peer-reviewed articles. Bailey has received the 2004 Rosen Award for Outstanding Research in Fragile X Syndrome from the National Fragile X Foundation, and the 2006 Career Research Scientist Award from the Academy on Mental Retardation.

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Victoria Haynes

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James Gibson

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Lorena Clark

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Lon Maggart

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Scott Merrell

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