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Profile of Donald Boroian

Donald Boroian

Chmn. - CEO - Fran Corp. Inc.
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Company Name : Fran Corp. Inc.
Company Website : www.francorp.com
Company Address : 20200 Governors Dr.
, Olympia Fields, IL,
United States,
Donald Boroian Profile :
Chmn. - CEO - Fran Corp. Inc.
Donald Boroian Biography :

A published author, noted speaker and expert legal witness, Mr. Boroian is one of the world's most sought-after consultants in the field of franchise strategy and business expansion. With a career spanning more than four decades, Mr. Boroian and his companies have provided consulting services to more than 10,000 companies and have created full franchise development programs for more than 2,000. His clients have ranged from small and medium-sized businesses to corporate leaders, such as ARCO, Texaco, Hershey Foods, NutraSweet, Nestle, John Deere, Popeye's Fried Chicken, Ryder Trucks, USA Baby and Valvoline. Mr. Boroian's career in corporate management included a position as Executive Vice President with one of America's largest, publicly-held, fast-food franchisors. In 1976, Mr. Boroian founded Francorp, pioneering the franchise consulting industry. Providing coordinated strategic planning, legal, operations and marketing services, Francorp was the first and only firm to offer clients comprehensive franchise consulting and development services under one roof. Today, with 13 international offices, serving more than 40 countries worldwide, Francorp is the world's leading franchise consulting and development firm. Mr. Boroian is a current member of the Advisory Board of DePaul University and a past member of the Board of Trustees of Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical Center, the Board of Trustees of Riverside Hospital, and the Board of the Rush Alzheimer's Center, holding the position of Vice-Chairman. He served as an arbitrator and mediator for the American Arbitration Association and has been an expert witness in franchise litigation in more than 80 cases. An accomplished writer, he has co-authored three of the leading books on franchising: The Franchise Advantage, with Patrick Boroian; How to Buy and Manage A Franchise, with Joseph Mancuso; and most recently Franchising Your Business, with Francorp's President, Patrick Callaway. A dynamic speaker, his exciting and informative franchising seminars are known throughout the world, and he is sought after for panels, symposia, and media interviews. Mr. Boroian is a graduate of DePaul University and pursued his post-graduate studies at DePaul University and the University of Chicago's Executive M.B.A. program.

Donald Boroian Colleagues :
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Patrick Callaway

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Mary Gregoire

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Michael Stadnicki

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Tom Dufore

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Christopher Conner

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