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Profile of Donna Fisher Smiley

Donna Fisher Smiley

Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
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Company Name : Audiology Online Inc.
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Donna Fisher Smiley Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
Donna Fisher Smiley Biography :

Donna Fisher Smiley, Ph.D., CCC-A

Conway Public Schools & Arkansas Children's Hospital

Conway, Arkansas

Educational Audiologist

Conway Public Schools

Audiologist and Coordinator

Educational Audiology Resource Services

Arkansas Children's Hospital



1998 - 2002

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Knoxville, Tennessee

Major: Speech and Hearing Science

Dissertation: Problem Solving Ability in Elementary School Age Children with Hearing Impairment


1988 - 1990

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Little Rock, Arkansas

Major: Communication Disorders - Audiology


1984 - 1988

Henderson State University

Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Major: Communication Disorders

Professional Certification

Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in Audiology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (1991 - present)

Arkansas State Licensure in Audiology (1991- present)

Professional Affiliations

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, 1991 - 1999; 2004 - present

Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1986 - present

Vice President for Professional Services (1993 - 1994)

President-Elect (1995), President (1996), Past President (1997)

ASHA Legislative Councilor, Ex-officio on ArkSHA Board (2002 - present)

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1986 - present

Legislative Councilor - Arkansas (January, 2002 - December, 2007) Floor Manager (Audiology), 2007

Member, Political Action Committee (PAC) Board (2003 - 2005)

Chair, Audiology Coordinating Committee, Revised Audiology Scope of Practice (2002 - 2003)

Member, Nominating Committee for the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology (2007)

Educational Audiology Association, 1992 - present Associate Treasurer/Products Manager (1993 - 1995) Associate Editor, Journal of Educational Audiology (1999 - 2005)

State Contact (2005-present)

Editor, Journal of Educational Audiology (October, 2005 - December, 2007)

Teaching Experience

University of Central Arkansas

Assistant Professor (Fall, 2002 - August, 2007)(Tenure granted May, 2006)

Instructor (Fall, 2000 - Summer, 2002)

Instructor (Fall, 1996 - Spring, 1998)

Classes taught:

Graduate: Research Fundamentals in Speech Pathology; Aural Rehabilitation; Treatment Outcomes and Efficacy; Qualitative Research Design

Undergraduate: Fundamentals of Audiology; Counseling in Speech Language Pathology

University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences

Adjunct Instructor (Fall, 2002 & Summer, 1998)

Classes taught:

Graduate: Diagnostic Audiology; Pediatric Aural Rehabilitation

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Instructor (Fall, 1999)

Graduate Teaching Assistant (Fall, 1998)

Classes taught:

Graduate: Advanced Aural Habilitation/Rehabilitation of the Hearing Impaired (Fall, 1999); The Verbotonal Method (Fall, 1998)

Clinical Experience

Conway Public Schools

Conway, Arkansas

Educational Audiologist (August, 2007 - present)

Contracted Audiologist (January, 2006 - June, 2007)

Arkansas Children's Hospital

Coordinator, Educational Audiology Resource Services (EARS) Program (August, 2006 - present)

Part-time Clinical Audiologist (July, 2001 - present; September 1997 - August, 1998)

Clinical Audiologist (January, 1990 - March, 1992)

University of Central Arkansas

Conway, Arkansas

Clinical Supervisor and Clinical/Educational Audiologist (August, 2000 - May, 2007; August, 1996 - May, 1998)

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Clinical Supervisor (January, 2000 - May, 2000)

Kid's SPOT

Little Rock, Arkansas

Clinical Audiologist (January, 1996 - August, 1996)

Educational Services for the Hearing Impaired

Little Rock, Arkansas

Educational Audiologist (March, 1992 - December, 1995)


Freyaldenhoven, M.C, & Smiley, D.F. (2006). Acceptance of background noise in children with normal hearing. Journal of Educational Audiology, 13, 27-31.

Smiley, D.F., & Threats, T.T. (2006, October). Audiologists and speech-language pathologists working together to serve children who are deaf/hard of hearing in rural communities. ASHA Special Interest Division 14 Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations Newsletter, 13(3), 24-28 .

Freyaldenhoven, M.C., Smiley, D.F., Muenchen, R.A., & Konrad, T.N. (2006). Acceptable noise level: Reliability measures and comparison of background noise preference. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 17, 640-648.

Smiley, D.F. (2006). Why should I bother?: Stepping into the political arena. Educational Audiology Review, 23 (4), 3-4.

Smiley, D.F., Threats, T.T., Mowry, R.L, & Peterson, D.B. (2005). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): Implications for deafness rehabilitation education. Rehabilitation Education, 19 (2), 139-158.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2004). Scope of practice in audiology. ASHA Supplement 24. (Chair, Coordinating Committee)

Smiley, D.F., Martin, P.F., & Lance, D.M. (2004, March 3). Using the Ling 6-Sound Test everyday. SpeechPathology.com. Retrieved March 18, 2004 from www.speechpathology.com/articles/arc_disp.asp?id=62&catid=502

Smiley, D.F., Martin, P.F., & Lance, D.M. (2004, May 3). Using the Ling 6-Sound Test everyday. AudiologyOnline. Retrieved June 20, 2004 from www.audiologyonline.com/articles/arc_disp.asp?id=728

Thelin, J.W., & Smiley, D. F. (2001). Application of the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning and Disability to hearing and hearing disorders. Perspectives in Hearing and Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics, 5 (1), Rockville, MD: ASHA.

Fisher, D.L. & Thelin, J.W. (1999). The World Health Organization model of functioning and disability applied to audition. Journal of Educational Audiology, 7, 42-49.

Fisher, D.L. (1989). Augmentative communication systems and devices. Academic Forum, 7, 15-24.

Professional Presentations (Selected)

Smiley, D.F., Upson, S.S., & Wakefield, J. "Audiology Services and the School-Aged Child", Featured Session, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, AR (October, 2007).

Smiley, D.F., & Weaver, R. "ABC's of Grassroots Advocacy: Anybody Can!", Mini-seminar, Arkansas Speech- Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, AR (October, 2007).

Gagne, J.P., Smiley, D.F., Wark, D., & Threats, T. "The International Classification of Functioning (ICF): Implications for Rehabilitative Audiology", Mini-seminar, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Miami, FL (November, 2006).

Smiley, D.F., & Tullos, D. "ASHA Update 2006", Mini-seminar, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, AR (October, 2006).

Freyaldenhoven, M.C. & Smiley, D.F. "Acceptance of background in children with normal hearing", Poster Session, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, AR (October, 2006).

Smiley, D.F., Christensen, L., Henry, M.M., & Wakefield, J. "Why your school needs an educational audiologist", Seminar, Special Show 2006, Hot Springs, AR (July, 2006).

Freyaldenhoven, M.C. & Smiley, D.F. "Acceptance of background in children with normal hearing", Poster Session, American Academy of Audiology, Minneapolis, MN (April, 2006).

Honors and Awards

Audiology Award, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, October 2006

Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 9th edition, 2004-2005

Audiology Award, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, October 2004

Honors of the Association, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, October 2000


Member, Healthy Hearing Audiology Advisory Board, October 2001 - present

Member, Arkansas Deaf Education Task Force, 2004

Co-chair, Arkansas Coalition for the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2005-2006

Member, Arkansas Coalition for the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2007

Donna Fisher Smiley Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Paul Dybala

Pres., Editor - in - Chief Please login

Joanne Slater

News, Information Mgr., Continuing Education Administrator Please login

Nancy Aarts

Member - Advisory Board Please login

Debra Joan Berger Abel

Member - Advisory Board Please login

Faith Wurm Akin

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