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Profile of Doris Harms

Doris Harms

Pres. - Electromech Technologies Inc.
Doris Harms Email :
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Company Name : Electromech Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.electromech.com
Company Address : 2600 S Custe
, Wichita, KS,
United States,
Doris Harms Profile :
Pres. - Electromech Technologies Inc.
Doris Harms Biography :

Ms. Harms joined Electromech Technologies in May of 2001. Since this time she was promoted several times and in July 2006, Ms. Harms was named to her current position as President of Electromech Technologies. Ms. Harms holds a distinct position within the aviation manufacturing industry as being one of the few female Presidents of a manufacturing facility. Ms. Harms has a grass roots approach to managing where as much decision-making authority as practical is shifted to the organization's different geographic levels. She is active in the community and leadership programs. Ms. Harms is a firm believer in continuing education and possesses a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management from Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. She gained her degree as a non-traditional student, while raising her family and pursuing a focused career path. Ms Harms enjoys an active personal life with 5 children and two grandchildren and fulfilled professional life at Electromech Technologies.

Doris Harms Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Dave Yannarella

VP, Business Development - Sales, Marketing Please login

Jean Carnahan

Sales Mgr. - Sales, Marketing Please login

Kristin Gerberding

Customer Account Mgr. Please login

Johnnie Freeman

Customer Account Mgr. Please login

Ralph Heinrichs

Sr. Account Mgr. - Customer Service Please login

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