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Profile of Doug Fontaine

Doug Fontaine

MD - Competition Policy Associates Inc.
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Company Name : Competition Policy Associates Inc.
Company Website : www.competitionpolicy.com
Company Address : 1101 K St.
NW 8th Fl., Washington, DC,
United States,
Doug Fontaine Profile :
MD - Competition Policy Associates Inc.
Doug Fontaine Biography :

Doug Fontaine is a Managing Director with Competition Policy Associates, an FTI Company. Prior to joining Competition Policy Associates, Mr. Fontaine was a partner at AES Consulting. He has more than 15 years of experience providing economic and policy consulting services to clients engaged in antitrust and intellectual property litigation, and regulatory proceedings. As a partner at AES Consulting, Mr. Fontaine served as an expert witness and project manager in the firm's antitrust, intellectual property, and damages practice areas. He has managed the preparation of numerous economic reports and testimony, in matters involving monopolization, coordinated conduct, mergers, tying, predatory conduct, vertical price and non-price restraints, class certification, damages modeling and assessment, and international trade. Mr. Fontaine's consulting experience spans a broad range of industries, including airlines, durable equipment, recorded music, natural gas transmission and distribution, pharmaceuticals, computer peripherals, software, automobiles, and motion picture distribution and exhibition. Prior to joining AES Consulting, Mr. Fontaine held consulting and management positions with The Tilden Group (now Charles River Associates) and the Law & Economics Consulting Group (LECG). During 1995-1996, he served as the Antitrust Practice Group Coordinator for LECG.

Doug Fontaine Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Richard Gilbert

Sr. Consultant Please login

Margaret Guerin-calvert

Pres., Sr. MD Please login

Janusz Ordover

Sr. Consultant Please login

Jonathan Orszag

Sr. MD Please login

Daniel Rubinfeld

Sr. Consultant Please login

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