In a typical weekend, you will find Ebony going to a club or concert Saturday night, then waking up bright and early Sunday to be with her church, serving a meal to the underprivileged.
From painting murals for her church�s summer program to serving as production assistant for a VH1 special on Kid Rock, this free-spirited, independent Aquarian has a range of interests and talents that could make your head spin!
At John Bailey & Associates (JB&A), Ebony coordinates day-to-day activities for the North American International Auto Show and OSRAM SYLVANIA.
Before coming to JB&A, Ebony worked on the Motor City Casino, Bay Harbor and City Year accounts at Marx, Layne & Co. in Farmington Hills, Mich. A graduate of Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Ebony earned a bachelor�s degree in public relations with a minor in writing.
Ebony says she likes working at JB&A because the people are supportive. She likes public relations because of the constant change and flexibility. Obviously, with her flexible range of interests including the opera, the Rat Pack and "The Simpsons," Ebony has found a perfect match! |