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Profile of Edo Pellizzari

Edo Pellizzari

Expertise - Genetics, Proteomics, , Bioinformatics - Research Triangle Institute
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Company Name : Research Triangle Institute
Company Website : www.rti.org
Company Address : PO Box 12194
, Research Triangle Park, NC,
United States,
Edo Pellizzari Profile :
Expertise - Genetics, Proteomics, , Bioinformatics - Research Triangle Institute
Edo Pellizzari Biography :

Edo D. Pellizzari, PhD, Senior Fellow in analytical and environmental health sciences, appointed April 2004, has 35 years of scientific leadership and accomplishment at RTI. He joined RTI in 1971 and served as vice president of Analytical and Chemical Sciences from 1983 to 2003. He is internationally known for major contributions in the environmental health sciences, specifically in chemical and aerosol exposure analysis, and for developing and applying personal exposure methodology to population-based studies on toxic chemicals. In 1989, Dr. Pellizzari helped charter the International Society for Exposure Analysis (ISEA) and established ISEA's Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, for which he served as editor-in-chief for 15 years. Dr. Pellizzari is author or co-author of 191 peer-reviewed papers, 45 book chapters, 261 abstracts for national and international conferences, and over 100 reports. He has received California State University�s Distinguished Alumni and ISEA�s Wesolowski awards for achievements in environmental research.

Edo Pellizzari Colleagues :
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Victoria Haynes

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James Gibson

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Lorena Clark

Sr. VP - Human Resources, Corporate Affairs Please login

Lon Maggart

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Scott Merrell

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