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Profile of Edward Fry

Edward Fry

Sr. Consultant - Washington, DC - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Edward Fry Email :
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Company Name : James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Company Website : www.wittassociates.com
Company Address : 1501 M St. NW
, Washington, DC,
United States,
Edward Fry Profile :
Sr. Consultant - Washington, DC - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Edward Fry Biography :

After a distinguished career of 30 years in politics and government, including 22 years of service on Capitol Hill Ed brings broad experience, keen perspective and deep institutional knowledge to his position as Director of Government Relations for JLWA. During his tenure as Chief of Staff for Representative Vic Snyder (1997-2007) Ray Thornton (1990-1996) and Tommy Robinson (1985-1989), each from Arkansas' Second District, Ed acquired a specialized knowledge of public affairs and legislative strategy in the areas of appropriations, infrastructure, energy, insurance and economic development. In addition to his work as an advocate and lobbyist, Ed concentrates on federal grant applications, and as JLWA's primary contact to executive agencies.

As Chief of Staff for Rep. Snyder, Ed directed legislative activities for the Congressman's committees: Armed Services and Committee on Veterans Affairs. He managed media relations within the district and nation-wide, directing press releases, television and radio appearances, as well as internet communications. Ed served as liaison to the White House, the U.S. Senate and to Congressional leadership.

Ed also has extensive presidential, congressional and state election campaign experience. Ed holds a J.D. from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.

Edward Fry Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Lee Witt

Chmn., CEO Please login

Wesley Clark

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Rodney Slater

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Pate Felts

Sr. Advisor - Washington, DC Please login

Mark Merritt

Pres. - Atlanta, GA Please login

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