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Profile of Edward Gilliard

Edward Gilliard

VP - Finance, Treasurer - BPZ Resources Inc.
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Company Name : BPZ Resources Inc.
Company Website : www.bpzenergy.com
Company Address : Two Westlake 580 Westlake Pk. Blvd.
Ste. 525, Houston, TX,
United States,
Edward Gilliard Profile :
VP - Finance, Treasurer - BPZ Resources Inc.
Edward Gilliard Biography :

Mr. Gilliard started his career in 1977 with Amoco Production Company as an operations and reservoir engineer. He worked in energy lending and project financing with Continental Illinois National Bank Banque Indosuez and Houston Industries Energy formerly Reliant Energy International where he worked on project financing for power projects in South America as well as other regions. In 1997 he joined Burlington Resources and worked in areas such as international finance strategic planning business development and governmental affairs. In the latter capacity Mr. Gilliard was a lead editor on the National Petroleum Council�s 1999 and 2003 landmark studies on natural gas. He holds a Bachelor�s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University and an MBA from the University of Houston. Mr. Gilliard�s primary areas of responsibility include all matters relating to treasury and finance including bank relations and debt and equity issues as well as strategic planning.

Edward Gilliard Colleagues :
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Fernando Zuniga Y Rivero

Chmn. Please login

Manual Zuniga Pflucker

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Frederic Briens

Chief Operating Operating Please login

Edward Caminos

CFO Please login

Tomas Vargas

VP - Geosciences Please login

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