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Profile of Elizabeth Beaube

Elizabeth Beaube

Attorney - Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
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Company Name : Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
Company Website : www.mcglaw.com
Company Address : 2400 Regions/Harbert Plz.
1901 Sixth Ave. N, Birmingham, AL,
United States,
Elizabeth Beaube Profile :
Attorney - Maynard, Cooper & Gale PC
Elizabeth Beaube Biography :

Concentration: Employee benefits and executive compensation including 409A compliance, severance, employee benefits issues in mergers and acquisitions, benefits-related labor relations issues, benefits-related bankruptcy issues, and proceedings before government agencies (IRS and DOL) with respect to benefits and compensation matters. Ms. Beaube has extensive employee benefits experience, and she advises clients with respect to, and drafts, all types of executive compensation programs and employee benefits, including qualified and nonqualified retirement, deferred compensation, profit sharing, stock bonus, 401(k), defined benefit (including cash balance) and employee stock ownership plans (ESOP). Ms. Beaube also advises clients with respect to, and drafts, welfare plans (e.g. health, dental, disability, cafeteria, flex accounts, educational assistance programs, and employee assistance programs), fringe benefits, and perquisites and with respect to both insured and self-insured arrangements. Ms. Beaube advises public clients with respect to compliance with GASB Statements 43 and 45 and funding issues associated therewith. Ms. Beaube represents corporations and executives in connection with executive, board, and management compensation issues, including all types of stock and cash compensation and deferral programs and golden parachute arrangements. She works with plan sponsors, trust departments and plan administrators on fiduciary, tax, securities, trust, and corporate law issues relating to benefits and compensation. Representative Clients: ADTRAN, Inc.; Alabama National BanCorporation/First American Bank; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; Cardiovascular Associates; East Alabama Health Care Authority; Raycom Media, Inc.; Regions Bank; Royal Cup; Torchmark Seminars:Some Common 409A Issues in Employment Agreements, Meeting of the Certified Employee Benefits Specialists, Birmingham, Alabama, August 22, 2006 Flexible Spending Accounts,and Plan Design Ideas, Birmingham, Alabama, Lorman, Goodbye Medical Savings Accounts, Hello Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements And Flexible Spending Accounts, May 2, 2006 ERISA Compliance and Disclosure Requirements, 2006 Alabama Road Builders Health Care Forum, Birmingham, Alabama, March 7, 2006 Section 409A Proposed Regulations for Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Arrangements: Where are We Now? Birmingham Tax Forum, November 1, 2005 ERISA Compliance and Disclosure Requirements, 2005 Alabama Health Care Forum, Birmingham, Alabama, August 9, 2005 Final COBRA Regulations, Meeting of the Certified Employee Benefits Specialists, Birmingham, Alabama, August 24, 2004 Various Uses of the Term �Compensation� in Qualified Retirement Plans,Eligibility and Enrollment in Employee Benefit Plans, and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans: Federal Taxes that Apply, Birmingham, Alabama, Lorman, Payroll Management in Alabama, April 27, 2000.

Elizabeth Beaube Colleagues :
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