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Profile of Elizabeth Anderson

Elizabeth Anderson

Group VP - Exponent Inc.
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Company Name : Exponent Inc.
Company Website : www.exponent.com
Company Address : 149 Commonwealth Dr.
, Menlo Park, CA,
United States,
Elizabeth Anderson Profile :
Group VP - Exponent Inc.
Elizabeth Anderson Biography :

Dr. Elizabeth L. Anderson is the Group Vice President of Exponent Health. Prior to joining Exponent Dr. Anderson was President and CEO of Sciences International a health and environmental consulting firm. She specializes in risk assessment as a basis for addressing the complex problems that arise in the context of regulatory and legal matters related to health and the environment for national and international companies and governments.

Dr. Anderson has over 20 years of experience in working both within government institutions and for corporate entities. Previously for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) she founded and directed the Agency's Carcinogen Assessment Group and the central risk assessment programs for 10 years. In this capacity she was Executive Director of the EPA committee that initially adopted risk assessment as a basis for carrying out the Agency�s regulatory mandates. She has also worked extensively on international risk assessment issues to address human health and ecological consequences of exposure to environmental toxicants including for private companies governments the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.

Dr. Anderson is a founder and past-President of the Society for Risk Analysis is a recipient of the EPA Gold Medal for exceptional service has participated in numerous national and international commissions and organizations concerned with risk based issues and has lectured and published widely in the field of risk assessment. She is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Risk Analysis: An International Journal . She holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the American University in Washington DC.

Elizabeth Anderson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Larry Anderson

Corporate VP, Principal Engineer - Thermal Sciences, Menlo Park Please login

Piotr Moncarz

Corporate VP, Principal Engineer Please login

Angela Meyer

VP - Client Services Please login

Robert Caligiuri

Group VP, Principal Engineer Please login

Walter Bak

Principal Engineer - Engineering Management Consulting, Oakland Please login

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