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Profile of Elliot Entis

Elliot Entis

Co - Founder, Chmn., Pres., CEO - A F Protein Inc.
Elliot Entis Email :
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Company Name : A F Protein Inc.
Company Website : www.afprotein.com
Company Address : 935 Main St.
, Waltham, MA,
United States,
Elliot Entis Profile :
Co - Founder, Chmn., Pres., CEO - A F Protein Inc.
Elliot Entis Biography :

Elliot Entis, Co-Founder, Chairman, President, and CEO of A/F Protein, has been responsible for securing the technology on which the Company's commercial interests are based, developing the scientific consulting team, managing the financings completed, and negotiating the first license for AquAdvantage Salmon production. Mr. Entis' current efforts involve further licensing of AquAdvantage Salmon production to aquaculture companies worldwide, and the management of corporate relationships pursuant to evaluation of AFP technology in the context of agriculture and food-processing. Mr. Entis completed his undergraduate education at Harvard and received an M.A. from UC-Berkeley in 1971.

Elliot Entis Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Michael Erisman

VP, Science, Technology Please login

Ronald Slate

COO Please login

Choy Hew

Co - Founder, Dir. Please login

Boris Rubinsky

Co - Founder, Dir. Please login

Garth Fletcher

Professor Emeritus Please login

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