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Profile of Emily Pietrzak

Emily Pietrzak

Exec. VP - Sales, Account Management - Proxymed Inc.
Emily Pietrzak Email :
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Company Name : Proxymed Inc.
Company Website : www.capario.com
Company Address : 1901 E Alton
No. 100, Santa Ana, CA,
United States,
Emily Pietrzak Profile :
Exec. VP - Sales, Account Management - Proxymed Inc.
Emily Pietrzak Biography :

Prior to joining MedAvant in June 2005, Emily Pietrzak served as the Director of Communications for Viewpointe, a bank consortium providing electronic check processing and archival services to the financial industry. Before joining Viewpointe in 2003, she worked as the online editor for advertising agency Gear-Six, designing and launching online campaigns for the firm�s largest customer. In 2001, she served as the senior marketing consultant for The Fourth Wall, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in marketing strategy and communications. Prior to that, Ms. Pietrzak led strategic planning and marketing activities as the marketing manager for Xpede, an online mortgage application company. She began her career at Deloitte and Touche and worked with such clients as PowerBar, The North Face, Louis M. Martini and Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Ms. Pietrzak received a BS in business administration/finance from St. Mary�s College in California.

Emily Pietrzak Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Lettko

CEO Please login

Lonnie Hardin

COO, Pres. Please login

Douglas O'Dowd

Exec. VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Eugene Terry

Board Dir. Please login

Edwin Cooperman

Board Dir. Please login

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