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Profile of Eran Sherin

Eran Sherin

Founder, Pres. - KoolConnect Technologies Inc.
Eran Sherin Email :
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Company Name : KoolConnect Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.koolconnect.com
Company Address : 755 Dedham St.
, Canton, MA,
United States,
Eran Sherin Profile :
Founder, Pres. - KoolConnect Technologies Inc.
Eran Sherin Biography :

As Founder and President of KoolConnect Technologies, Mr. Sherin has continued to lead the company's vision since its inception in 1999. A veteran of the hospitality, Internet and travel industries, Mr. Sherin's first hand knowledge has enabled KoolConnect to develop its state of the art service application, execute its innovative platform and expand on its international capabilities.

Prior to KoolConnect, Mr. Sherin founded a portal based community site that focused on new and innovative communication vehicles for consumer use on the Internet. Before focusing his attention to the new media and hospitality industries in North America, Mr. Sherin served as principal of Quantum Investments, a successful real estate development firm.

Raised between South Africa and Australia, Mr. Sherin holds degrees in Internet Technology, Business and Education fields.

Eran Sherin Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Derrick Brian

VP - Sales Please login

Ilanna Walden

Dir. - Marketing Please login

Dave Tahan

CEO Please login

Charlie Bailey

COO, Chief Finacial Officer Please login

Peter Brandano

VP - Technology Please login

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