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Profile of Erin Moore

Erin Moore

Sr. Editor - Penguin Group USA Inc.
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Company Name : Penguin Group USA Inc.
Company Website : us.penguingroup.com
Company Address : 375 Hudson St.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Erin Moore Profile :
Sr. Editor - Penguin Group USA Inc.
Erin Moore Biography :

Erin has worked for Penguin Group since 1998. Prior to joining Gotham as an associate editor in 2003, she held the same position at Riverhead. At Gotham, Erin has acquired two New York Times bestsellers: Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves and Talk to the Hand. She is interested in publishing British books in the US, and her list includes memoirs, food writing, narrative nonfiction, humor, business and personal finance, consumer reference, and self-help books. Books she has acquired for Gotham include: Paul Campos' The Diet Myth, Dr. Joel Evans and Robin Aronson's Whole Pregnancy Handbook , Stephen Fry's The Ode Less Traveled: Unlocking the Poet Within, Adena Halpern's Target Underwear and a Vera Wang Gown: Notes from a Single Girl's Closet, Tracie Hotchner's The Dog Bible and The Cat Bible, Tim Madigan's I'm Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers, Dr. Michael Myers and Carla Fine's Touched by Suicide: Hope and Healing After Loss, Nora Raum's Surviving Personal Bankruptcy; Chris Roberts' Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme, Nigel Slater's Toast, Nancy Slotnick's Turn Your Cablight On, and Larry Winget's It's Called Work for a Reason.

Erin is a graduate of Harvard and the Radcliffe Publishing Course.

Erin Moore Colleagues :
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John Makinson

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Susan Kennedy

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Nigel Portwood

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Anthony Laurino

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