Erin�s motto might be, The pen is mightier than the microphone. A television news anchor and reporter for 15 years, Erin had plenty of opportunity to see press releases done poorly and pitches that missed the mark. When she crossed over from the receiving end of media messaging to the deliverable side, she brought with her the wisdom and perspective of an insider.As a news anchor and reporter, Erin�s interviews included everyone from three sitting Presidents and Hollywood stars to disaster victims and community heroes. These unique situations and experiences positioned her to be a standout in the diversity of messaging on behalf of clients. She has a real-world perspective of whom a client needs to reach, and the best way to speak to that audience in a way it is most likely to respond.As an anchor/reporter for KVUE TV in Austin, Erin covered President George W. Bush, from his first campaign as Texas Governor to his run for the White House and transition from state to national leadership. She has traveled with the Bush�s on numerous occasions, documenting historic moments for an audience of millions. As a reporter for KXAS in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Erin covered Hurricanes Katrina and Rita for a national NBC audience.Erin also worked the corporate side of the business, taking a role in management for Gannett�s Broadcast division. She was hands on during strategy and branding sessions that set the tone for news coverage and content for the most highly rated CBS affiliate in the country, WFMY TV.Erin has won numerous state and national awards. The Texas Associated Press honored her for an in depth investigation into Texas� Child Protective Services. She went on to earn KVUE an Edward R. Murrow Award for her contributions in breaking news coverage.BlabberMouth PR�s clients benefit from Erin�s extensive experiences in politics, public speaking, research and that crucial insiders perspective on media coverage. Her instincts for pitching just the right story at just the right time, translates to high profile media coverage for BlabberMouth�s clients. |