Francisco Fabr�cio de Oliveira Neto of Catole do Rocha, Brazil, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association�s 89th International Convention, held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 30-July 4, 2006.
Director de Oliveira Neto is an entrepreneur and business administrator.
A member of the Catole do Rocha Lions Club since 1985, Director de Oliveira Neto has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chair, region chair, council chair and district governor. Additionally, he has served as district LCIF chair, SightFirst committee chair, leadership development chair, DGE seminar coordinator and chair of the district Lions Foundation.
In recognition of his service to the association he has received numerous awards, including seven International President�s Certificates of Appreciation, the Paradigm Medal, Leadership Medal and two President�s Medals. Director de Oliveira Neto has also received a Key Award for helping induct 28 new Lions members, an Extension Certificate for sponsoring five new Leo clubs and a Global Vision Medal for his SightFirst efforts. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, Director de Oliveira Neto is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He is currently the Secretary of Industry and Commerce of the State of Paraiba and an administration council chairperson of several companies. He previously served as director of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers, chair of the Federation of Shopkeepers of the State of Paraiba, chair of the Chamber of Shopkeepers of Catole do Rocha and chair of the Manoel Vitoriano de Freitas Foundation.
Director de Oliveira Neto and his wife, Amariles Martins de Oliveira, also a member of the Catol� do Rocha Lions Club and Melvin Jones Fellow, have two children. |