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Profile of Francois Coutu

Francois Coutu

Board Dir. - Rite Aid Corp.
Francois Coutu Email :
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Company Name : Rite Aid Corp.
Company Website : www.riteaid.com
Company Address : PO Box 3165
, Harrisburg, PA,
United States,
Francois Coutu Profile :
Board Dir. - Rite Aid Corp.
Francois Coutu Biography :

Mr. Fran�ois J. Coutu has served as President of Canadian operations and Vice-Chairman of the board of directors of Jean Coutu Group since 2005. Previously, Mr. Coutu held the positions of President and Chief Executive Officer from 2002 to 2005 and President and Chief Operating Officer of Jean Coutu Group from 1992 to 2002. Mr. Coutu has been a member of the board of directors of Jean Coutu Group since December 1985. He is a pharmacist by profession, holds a bachelor's degree in administration from McGill University and a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from Samford University. He is a current director and former chair of the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, a trade association, and previously served as a member of the board of directors of the National Bank of Canada, where he was a member of the human resources and credit committees. Mr. Fran�ois Coutu was appointed as a Rite Aid director pursuant to board representation rights granted to Jean Coutu Group under the stockholder agreement in connection with the Brooks/Eckerd Transaction.

Francois Coutu Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Wilson Lester

Sr. VP - Supply Chain Please login

Marcy Syms

Board Dir. Please login

Chuck Kibler

Group VP - Loss Prevention Please login

Karen Rugen

Sr. VP - Corporate Communications Please login

Christopher Hall

Sr. VP - Strategic Business Development Please login

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