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Profile of Frank Castro-Wehr

Frank Castro-Wehr

Program Specialist - Sacramento, CA - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
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Company Name : James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Company Website : www.wittassociates.com
Company Address : 1501 M St. NW
, Washington, DC,
United States,
Frank Castro-Wehr Profile :
Program Specialist - Sacramento, CA - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Frank Castro-Wehr Biography :

As a Program Specialist at James Lee Witt Associates, Mr. Castro-Wehr provides technical expertise, project management and consultation services to government and private sector clients on Emergency Management, including preparedness, mitigation and response activities. He has over 19 years of experience with Emergency Management projects, including emergency response and preparedness activities, as well as experience with environmental engineering, assessment and clean-up work. With a commitment to supporting clients with their preparedness activities, Mr. Castro-Wehr has supported the planning, training, exercising and evaluating of both public and private facility emergency programs. He has worked on regional, local and private industry terrorism response plans for response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. He also supported the creation of multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional geographic area response plans to oil and hazardous materials releases, as well as local area all-hazards NIMS-compliant plans.

Mr. Castro-Wehr has also planned, directed, written and/or managed numerous tabletops, functional and full-scale exercises that have involved local, State and Federal agencies, as well as private industry, and relating to hazardous materials releases, pandemic and intentional events. He has supported numerous bi-national hazmat and counter-terror exercises at the US-Mexico border, and has worked with US and Mexican agencies during exercise design and conduct. He has conducted tabletops for command staff at hospitals and for local EMS officials; led county-wide full-scale health system related exercises dealing with hospital surge; supported Public Health with their exercise design. He also designed, controlled and /or supported a number of exercises that supported public-private response cooperation to refinery, facility and transportation related releases. For many of these clients Mr. Castro-Wehr also led training events on exercise design, conduct and evaluation.

He has supplied technical and engineering support to a variety of hazardous materials release prevention programs, for example conducting chemical safety audits at a pulp mill, transportation facilities, and chemical production and distribution facilities. He has served on a chemical accident investigation team following an explosion and fatality. He has conducted numerous regulatory inspections at oil storage facilities, and supported health officials with community outreach in potentially contaminated areas.

As a consultant to the US EPA, Mr. Castro-Wehr was a team manager for the contract emergency response team, and provided technical support during emergencies involving train derailments, plating shop releases, refinery fires, tire fires, oil spills, floods, abandoned drums, meth labs and abandoned explosives facilities. He also managed and provided engineering, technical and R&D support to numerous time-critical removal actions under the contract, including for pesticide manufacturers, oil storage, abandoned drum, plating shops, wood treatment facilities, and others.

He also managed the contract's Targeted Brownfield Assessment program, completing dozens of assessments, risk assessments, and cleanup cost estimates that supported moving underutilized properties back to productive use.

Mr. Castro-Wehr has provided hazardous materials awareness and operations training to emergency response teams, hospital staff, Native American and other students. He has provided regulations training at various conferences.

He received his degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arkansas, and a MA in Philosophy and Theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.

Frank Castro-Wehr Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Lee Witt

Chmn., CEO Please login

Wesley Clark

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Rodney Slater

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Pate Felts

Sr. Advisor - Washington, DC Please login

Mark Merritt

Pres. - Atlanta, GA Please login

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