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Profile of Frank Ingari

Frank Ingari

Chmn., CEO - Purkinje Inc.
Frank Ingari Email :
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Company Name : Purkinje Inc.
Company Website : www.purkinje.com
Company Address : 11477 Olde Cabin Rd.
Ste. 400, St. Louis, MO,
United States,
Frank Ingari Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Purkinje Inc.
Frank Ingari Biography :

Frank Ingari serves as the Chairman of the board and CEO of Purkinje, focused on strategy and business development. He has been a successful entrepreneur and senior executive in several information technology markets. He was CEO and Chairman of Shiva Corporation, a pioneer in the remote access market, taking the company public with Goldman, Sachs in 1994. Prior to the IPO, he was named "Private Company CEO of the Year" by Upside magazine. Previously he served as VP and GM of the spreadsheet division at Lotus Development Corporation, and as SVP at Atex Inc., a division of Kodak. He was also founder and Chairman of Wheelhouse Corporation, an early ASP (application service provider) in the customer relationship market. He has a broad range of Board experience including public companies such as Powersoft, Sybase, Individual, and Microstrategy as well as private, venture-backed start-ups. In addition to his duties at Purkinje, he serves on the board of MetaCarta Corporation and the Presidential Advisory Board of the Berklee College of Music. Ingari graduated summa cum laude from Cornell University

Frank Ingari Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Greg Rice

CFO Please login

Thomas Doerr

Chief Medical Officer, Chmn. Please login

Mary Anne Carignan

GM - Canadian Operations Please login

Joel Andersen

VP, Marketing, Business Development Please login

Sam Gallant

VP, Information Systems Please login

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