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Profile of Fred Smith

Fred Smith

Dir. - Research, Development - Angelsecure Networks Inc.
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Company Name : Angelsecure Networks Inc.
Company Website : www.angelsecurenetworks.com
Company Address : 20 Godfrey Dr.
, Orono, ME,
United States,
Fred Smith Profile :
Dir. - Research, Development - Angelsecure Networks Inc.
Fred Smith Biography :

Fred Smith, Director of Research & Development Mr. Smith is the system integrator for ANGEL. He has been PI on two Phase I and a Phase II SBIR OSDO4-SP3 awarded from the Air Force Research Laboratory to study security in circumstances where the on-site personnel cannot be trusted. He has also been PI on an SBIR awarded by the Office of Naval Research to study security in shipping contactors. Mr. Smith is a co-inventor of core ANGEL technology; he is the inventor of the ANGEL defense against root, and a co-inventor of the secure composite container. Mr. Smith is co-inventor on three US patents (US Patents Nos. 6,067,582, issued 05/23/00, 6,918,038 issued 07/12/05, and 6,532,543 issued 03/11/03 ) and three foreign patents on network security (European Patent No. 0978023 for the United Kingdom, issued 12/3/03 and Australian Patents Nos.776222, issued 03/17/2005 and No. 2001238056, issued 09/16/2005) and is co-inventor on six other pending patent applications. Mr. Smith has presented papers at homeland security conferences on these topics. Mr. Smith has over twelve years experience consulting in the area of large real time networked systems in the financial industry. His principal client was State Street Bank. Other consulting clients have included MicroTouch, CyberTrust, Chase Addess, Bankers Trust, JP Morgan, Bond Technologies, Inc., and IBM Mexico. Cynthia Smith, Esq. President of ANGEL Secure Networks and co-manager of Maine Secure Composites. She was formerly a partner at the Boston law firm of Posternak, Blankstein & Lund. Ms. Smith was president of Cave Atlantique, Inc., a wine importing and retailing business in the Boston area that the Smiths founded. Ms. Smith is a graduate of the Harvard Law School.

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