Ph.D., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary 1995.
M. Div., Fuller Theological Seminary 1993.
M.A., Missiology, Fuller School of World Mission 1989.
M.A., Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington 1981.
Diploma, Bible School, Wiedenest, Germany 1976-1979.
Studies of English, French, German language and literature, Universities of Mainz and Freiburg, German 1967-1971.
Diploma, professional translator: English-French, University of Mainz, Germany 1966.
Current positions
International Translation Consultant (1999- )
Translation coordinator for Mali (1996- )
Other experience
Hebrew studies, University of Jerusalem and Jerusalem University College (1999-2000)
Teaching translation and semantics workshops in Africa (Mali, Cameroon, C�te d'Ivoire, Senegal, Chad) (1996-2006)
Teaching translation and semantics workshops at French Cours d'Introduction � la Linguistique, Lamorlaye, France (1991)
Teaching translation and semantics workshops at German Seminar f�r Sprachmethodik/European Training Institute (1991, 2004)
Arabic studies at the Sorbonne in Paris (1991)
Jula studies, Cote d'Ivoire (1983)
Hebrew studies, University of Munich (1982)
Mande Studies Association
Society of Biblical Literature
Language proficiency
German FSI 5
English FSI 4
French FSI 4
Jula (C�te d'Ivoire) FSI 3
Biblical Hebrew FSI 3
Biblical Greek FSI 3
Spanish FSI 2
Classical Arabic FSI 1
Latin FSI 1
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2005. "Die �bersetzung des Begriffes 'S�nde' in Mande-Sprachen." In: Thomas Schirrmacher/Christof Sauer (eds.). Mission ver�ndert - Mission ver�ndert sich. Festschrift f�r Klaus Fiedler(edition afem, mission academics 16)(VTR VerlagN�rnberg)
2002. "Traduction du terme 'amour' en Dioula." LE SYCOMORE 11:16-21.
2001. "Translating 'Love' into Jula." Notes on Translation 15:2: 47-54.
2001."Translating 'Sin' into Manding Languages." Notes on Translation 15:4: 37-47.
2000. "La traduction de 'b�n�diction' en dioula de C�te d'Ivoire. " Cahiers de traduction biblique 33:3-11.
2000."Psalm 1: Analysis and Interpretation." Notes on Translation 14:3: 51-60.
2000."Translation of 'Grace' in Jula of C�te d'Ivoire." Notes On Translation 14:4: 3-33.
2000."Die �bersetzung des Begriffes 'Segen' ins Jula." Evangelikale Missiologie 16:4: 134-139.
1999."The translation of 'blessing' into Jula of C�te d'Ivoire." Notes On Translation 13:2: 45-55. |