As President and CEO, as well as Chairman of the Board, Gary oversees all Bloodhound Technologies activities. He directs the company�s strategic initiatives and personally works with the senior executive team to ensure that Bloodhound�s established leadership role in technology, content management and project execution is maintained. He is a collaborative manager and instills this philosophy throughout the company as the way to do business with clients and industry partners. He personally launched the analytic services now offered by Bloodhound, and which is delivered to clients with high integrity and a consultative service approach. With 25 years experience in information management, Gary is himself an industry leader. He spent 10 years with companies providing contract services to Federal and State governments and led the development of the first large-scale information system developed for the Food and Drug Administration. He also managed the primary regulatory information center for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Additionally, Gary spent 15 years pioneering medical claims auditing for the Property and Casualty industry, and personally designed the first system introduced into this market. ADP, a Fortune 100 business, acquired his company, calling it ADP Integrated Medical Services (IMS). IMS provided audit software, a UCR product, data warehousing and an outsourcing service with more than 60 utilization review nurses and three physicians. Within five years, IMS established itself as the market leader with a revenue base of $80M and a staff of 750 professionals. During this time, Gary was also the first to introduce a PPO to the P&C industry. IMS was featured in ADP�s Annual Report as the fastest growing business for six consecutive years.Gary is an accomplished Change Manager in every field he has entered. For example, he developed history-based audits prior to the HPR and GMIS products now featured by Bloodhound�s competition. He was also the first to source edits and introduce the concept of web-based access to these sources. Prior to joining Bloodhound he led the entrepreneurial successes of two early stage companies. |