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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Gary Desantis
Project Engineer, Structures
Gary Desantis's Email : Please login
Company Name : Structural Integrity Engineering
Company Website : www.sieinc.com
Company Address : 9525 Vassar Ave.
, Chatsworth, CA,
United States,
Gary Desantis's Profile : Project Engineer, Structures
Gary Desantis's Biography :

Gary DeSantis has served as a Senior Structures Engineer at Structural Integrity Engineering, SIE, since 1999. He is involved in all areas of structural analysis, including finite element and detailed stress analysis, dynamics, fatigue, and damage tolerance analysis. While at SIE he has directed the structural strength analysis and re-design of freighter conversion Supplemental Type Certificates for DC-8 Aircraft. These conversions were analyzed for the DC-8 Joint Task Force, a consortium of freighter airlines and the FAA formed to address potential structural deficiencies in these existing aircraft modifications. He has also performed damage tolerance analysis for Supplemental Structural Inspection Documents (SSID), for the modifications of passenger aircraft into cargo aircraft by the installation of a large main cargo doors. Mr. DeSantis is a registered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering in the State of California, and is currently an applicant with the FAA for an appointment as a Designated Engineering Representative in Structures. Prior to joining SIE, Mr. DeSantis was the analysis group manager at Barry Controls Aerospace, BCA. While at BCA he has performed strength and damage tolerance analysis of the engine mount systems for various aircraft including the Boeing 717 and 737, the de Havilland Dash8-400, the Fokker F100, and the ATR-72. He has also performed strength, fatigue, and dynamic analysis of mount systems for Auxiliary Power Units on various aircraft including the Boeing 777 and the Airbus A320 and A340. During this time he also was a Steering Committee Member on the International Elastomer Fatigue Life Research Project. This project tested and developed analytical methods to analyze fatigue crack growth in elastomer components. Mr. DeSantis earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University in 1978, and a Master of Science in Applied Mechanics from California State University at Northridge in 1991

Gary Desantis's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Matt Creager Pres. Please login
John Reinert Staff - New Business Development Please login
Kirk Odain Chief Engineer Please login
William Kernkamp Staff Please login
Jason Dai Sr. Engineer, FAA Structures DER Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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