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Profile of Geert Dierickx

Geert Dierickx

Assoc. Attorney - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
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Company Name : McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Company Website : www.mwe.com
Company Address : 28 State St.
, Boston, MA,
United States,
Geert Dierickx Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Geert Dierickx Biography :

Geert Dierickx is an associate in the international law firm of McDermott Will & Emery/Stanbrook LLP based in its Brussels office. He is a member of the Firm's corporate practice, and focuses on corporate law, tax law and commercial law. He advises international corporations on a wide range of corporate, financial and tax matters, and he frequently advises on mergers, liquidations, reorganizations and corporate finance.

Geert has represented clients in national and multinational acquisitions and joint ventures, including debt and equity offerings where he has represented both issuers and underwriters. He has substantial experience in advising venture capitalists, public companies and private equity investors on the full range of securities transactions.

He has written articles and lectured at the SBM Management School and University of Brussels on corporate and tax issues, including "Fiscale consequenties inzake aftrekbaarheid van kosten verbonden aan verrichtingen welke het vennootschapsdoel overschrijden", Fiscaal Bulletin, 2003; "Snelle verkoop van aandelen na inbreng onroerend goed", A.F.T., 2004; "De Europese Vennootschap 'Societas Europaea' in werking", Seminarie SBM, 2005; and "Vormen de vergoedingen voor de inbreng van onlichamelijke goederen, waaronder knowhow, steeds diverse inkomsten?", T.F.R., 2006 / 295, 1 februari 2006, nr. 2006/9.

Geert is a member of the Brussels Bar and the Belgian branch of the International Fiscal Association.

Representative Experience:

Assisted multinational and national companies in legal due diligence in the U.S. and in Europe preparing corporate reorganizations and guided them through the corporate reorganization (share and asset deals), including mergers, de-mergers, liquidations, transfers of business and founding corporations

Provided general advice to U.S. corporate clients doing business in Europe and assisted domestic subsidiaries of multinationals on the integration of their local activities

Drafted memoranda, agreements, contracts, briefs, pleadings and other procedural actions

Won court case on appeal regarding tax deductibility of expenses related to MBA

Assisted clients in several pro bono matters


Fiscale Hogeschool, 2000

University of Brussels, 1998

Geert Dierickx Colleagues :
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Rachel Aaronson

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Fred Ackerson

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Peter Acton

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Joseph Adams

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Matthew Adams

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