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Profile of Geoff Surkamer

Geoff Surkamer

Sr. Group VP, IT Services - ASAP Software Inc.
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Company Name : ASAP Software Inc.
Company Website : www.asap.com
Company Address : 850 Asbury Dr.
, Buffalo Grove, IL,
United States,
Geoff Surkamer Profile :
Sr. Group VP, IT Services - ASAP Software Inc.
Geoff Surkamer Biography :

Geoff has served in several leadership roles and taken on numerous results-oriented initiatives throughout his tenure with ASAP over the past sixteen years. Early in his career he held many roles within ASAP sales and sales management, including Director of Business Development, where he led new initiatives including services and product-line expansion.

Prior to being named to his current role as senior group vice president, IT Services at ASAP, Geoff launched License Technologies Group, Inc. and has managed its day-to-day operations for the past ten years. LTG, launched in 1996, is a software licensing and eCommerce digital distribution service provider for the software publisher community.

As an ASAP sales manager, Geoff is credited with tripling the sales force and opening twenty six new sales offices within two years� time. In his leadership capacity with LTG, Geoff has piloted the company through a period of exceptional growth; LTG has experienced compounded annual growth rates in excess of 25% and positive profitability for 37 consecutive quarters. During that time, Geoff also spearheaded LTG�s international expansion in Europe and through partnerships in Asia and Japan.

As senior group vice president, IT Services at ASAP Software, Geoff will continue to drive results for ASAP�s IT asset management service, ASAP eSMART, as well as ASAP�s Managed Services practice. His experience in Software as a Service (SaaS) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) will benefit ASAP�s current and future customers as ASAP offers hosted solutions for a variety of IT services.

Geoff earned his B.A. in Political Science at the Colorado State

Geoff Surkamer Colleagues :
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Paul Jarvie

Pres. Please login

Herv� Jezic

Pres. - European Operations Please login

Rick Gunther

Exec. VP, Sales Please login

Chandran Rajaratnam

Sr. VP, Operations Please login

Courtney Hye

VP, Marketing Please login

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