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Profile of George Burch

George Burch

Chmn. - IntelliSophic Inc.
George Burch Email :
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Company Name : IntelliSophic Inc.
Company Website : www.intellisophic.com
Company Address : 15 Maple Ave.
, Paoli, PA,
United States,
George Burch Profile :
Chmn. - IntelliSophic Inc.
George Burch Biography :

George Burch is a co-founder of Intellisophic, and co-patent holder with Dr. Kon and Mike Hoey for the Orthogonal Corpus Indexing patent. He provided the mathematical foundation for the Intellisophic product. George is best known as one of the founders of the ETL/ Data Quality field. As the Data Doctor, he provided comments and insight into data quality issues and problems and their solutions as a featured columnist for Datamation Magazine. He is the founder of Vality Technology, Inc., the first DQ tool set called Integrity�. He has managed the ETL and DQ integration for over 100 data warehouse projects. Integrity, under his direction, was sold to over 250 companies among the fortune 500 and government. George devised the first systematic targeting systems utilizing data integration technologies to build marketing, military and political solutions; including, the Strategic Waterway Information Systems resulting in major interruptions of enemy supply lines in Vietnam; the Home Box Office cable product; political targeting and apportionment system at State and national levels and dozens of other new products. George was recently honored by being awarded the Senatorial Freedom medal, recognizing his recent service to the country since 9/11. George Burch was a member of the first graduating class of the United States Air Force Academy, and holds higher degrees in statistics and operations research from Johns Hopkins University. In addition to his duties as chairman, George is currently providing technical marketing sales support for Intellisophic while providing direction to CIFA and DIA for technology in the war on terrorism.

George Burch Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Michael Hoey

Pres., CEO Please login

Henry Kon

CTO, co - Founder Please login

Michael Puscar

VP - Technology Please login

Jeffrey Sager

VP - Marketing, Sales Please login

Robert Blaisse

Dir. - Corporate Sales Please login

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