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Profile of Giancarlo Barolat

Giancarlo Barolat

Life Sciences Advisor - Medical Devices - Celera Partners LLC
Giancarlo Barolat Email :
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Company Name : Celera Partners LLC
Company Website : www.celerasearch.com
Company Address : 245 Pk. Ave.
39th Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Giancarlo Barolat Profile :
Life Sciences Advisor - Medical Devices - Celera Partners LLC
Giancarlo Barolat Biography :

Dr. Barolat is currently Professor of Neurosurgery and Director of the Division of Functional Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson Univeristy and Director of Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Barolat has been President of the International Neuromodulation Society from 1994 to 2000. He is a cofounder and Director of the American Neuromodulation Society and is on the Editorial Board of the INS� journal Neuromodulation. Dr. Barolat has been the author of over 60 scientific articles and book chapters. He lectures extensively nationally and internationally on topics related to neurosurgery, neuromodulation and pain management. Dr. Barolat runs a busy neurosurgical practice at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where he performs surgical procedures on patients from all over the world. Dr. Barolat's practice encompasses cranial and spinal surgery as well as functional neurosurgery. Dr. Barolat has extensive involvement with the oncology department in the surgical management of cerebral and spinal metastasis, particularly malignant melanomas. Dr. Barolat also functions as the main pediatric neurosurgeon at TJU, operating mostly on newborn infants with hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida. Dr. Barolat has extensive experience with surgical spine procedures. Dr Barolat was fellowship trained in spinal cord and spine injuries, and was integral part, for over ten years, of the TJU spinal cord injury program. As such, he has performed hundreds of complex spine operations. Dr. Barolat is one of the world leaders in the area of neuro-implantable technologies for the management of pain and motor disorders. Dr Barolat was one of the pioneers of spinal cord stimulation for spasticity and pain management. His practice is one of the largest in the country, with patients being referred from all over the US. Dr. Barolat is also involved in the surgical management of intractable seizures through implantation of vagus nerve stimulator devices. He works in close collaboration with the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital epilepsy program. Dr. Barolat also works as a consultant with leading medical devices companies. Dr. Barolat finished medical school in 1974 at the University of Torino, Italy. He then undertook a residency in Neurosurgery at the University of Torino. Subsequently, he was a fellow in Neurosurgery at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Fla. Following this fellowship, Dr Barolat took a second residency in Neurosurgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Dr. Barolat is certified by both the American and the Italian Board of Neurosurgery. Dr. Barolat has been working at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital since 1985.

Giancarlo Barolat Colleagues :
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