Since 01/01:Chief Operating Officer
09/1999 - 01/01: Rhodia: Deputy President - President of the Polyamide Division
1994 - 1999: Director of the Aluminum Metals Department, P�chiney
1991-1994:Sales Director for the Aluminum Metals Department, P�chiney
1985-1990: Director of Cebal�s Aluminum Can Business, P�chiney A member of the Board of Cebal Directors, P�chiney (as of 1987)
1983-1984 : Deputy Operations Manager for the Fermoutiers factory (lamination), P�chiney-Ugine-Kuhlman
1982-1983: Official representative for the Strategy and Management Control Division, P�chiney-Ugine-Kuhlman
1982: Public Auditor, Government Accounting Office
1978-1982: Official representative for the Director General of Industry, Ministry of the Interior
1975-1978: Auditor, Government Accounting Office
1975: Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) Ecole des Sciences Politiques (Service Public) Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE)
1966: Ecole Polytechnique