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Profile of Grant Ferguson

Grant Ferguson

Member - ADVISORY BOARD - Kirusa Inc.
Grant Ferguson Email :
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Company Name : Kirusa Inc.
Company Website : www.kirusa.com
Company Address : 571 Central Ave.
Ste. 108, New Providence, NJ,
United States,
Grant Ferguson Profile :
Member - ADVISORY BOARD - Kirusa Inc.
Grant Ferguson Biography :

Grant has more than 20 years experience in financial and business management, including 14 years with various international companies across Asia where he has lived and worked, including Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore before relocating to Kuala Lumpur.

Grant joined ASTRO as Chief Financial Officer in October 2006, from Temasek Holding Pte Ltd Singapore, where was Managing Director, Investments, with specific responsibility for the telecommunications and media sectors. Prior to Temasek, Grant was the CFO of Total Access Communications Plc in Thailand, where he was responsible for all aspects of financial management, investor relations, corporate governance and business risk management. He has also held executive positions within the First Pacific Group in Hong Kong, including that of Group Treasurer and as Director and CFO of Metro Pacific Corporation in the Philippines.

Grant, a chartered accountant, began his career at Price Waterhouse in Scotland in 1984. Over the next 12 years, Grant held senior management positions in the UK, USA and Hong Kong where he was responsible for the provision of audit and business advisory services to a number of leading global and regional corporations. Grant is a graduate from the University of Aston in Birmingham, UK with a degree in management and administration. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Grant Ferguson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Inderpal Singh Mumick

Founder, Chmn., CEO Please login

Ewald Anderl

VP, CTO Please login

Taranjit Batra

VP - Sales Please login

David Berkley

Chief Scientist Emeritus Please login

Bice Delgaldo

VP - Recruiting, HR Please login

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