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Profile of Gregg Graff

Gregg Graff

Sr. VP - Field Operations - Insight Communications Co. Inc.
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Company Name : Insight Communications Co. Inc.
Company Website : www.insight-com.com
Company Address : 810-7th Ave.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Gregg Graff Profile :
Sr. VP - Field Operations - Insight Communications Co. Inc.
Gregg Graff Biography :

Gregg Graff is immersed in getting better. While he occasionally finds time to work on becoming a better snow skier or wake boarder, his daily focus is directed towards improving our sales, marketing and training efforts as well as working to enhance our video product.

Gregg started in the cable business in 1984 and joined Insight in August 1998. His 14 years of marketing and programming experience landed him in, of all things, two roles in operations during the subsequent five years.

Finally rescued by Dinni Jain, Gregg enthusiastically returned to the marketing and product side of the business in 2003. He promptly shed the coat and tie for the familiar black uniform of the sales executive (see shirt in the accompanying photo).

These days, getting better in sales is pretty much job number one, and Gregg spends much of his time focused on telesales. He can�t hang in the moguls like he once could, and he drinks a lot of water trying to jump wakes on his infrequently-used board. But, we�ve got some amazing products to talk about and a lot of customers left to win over from the competition, so his priorities are set.

(Of course, Gregg can make a living selling cable products something that ain�t gonna happen skiing or boarding.)

Gregg Graff Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Sidney Knafel

Chmn. Please login

Michael Willner

Vice Chmn., CEO Please login

Dinni Jain

Board Dir., Pres., COO Please login

Geraldine Laybourne

Board Dir. Please login

Amos Hostetter

Board Dir. Please login

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