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Profile of Gregory Duerksen

Gregory Duerksen

Pres., Managing Partner - Kincannon & Reed
Gregory Duerksen Email :
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Company Name : Kincannon & Reed
Company Website : www.krsearch.com
Company Address : 40 Stoneridge Dr.
Ste. 101, Waynesboro, VA,
United States,
Gregory Duerksen Profile :
Pres., Managing Partner - Kincannon & Reed
Gregory Duerksen Biography :

Gregory J. Duerksen, President. Mr. Duerksen was a senior international executive prior to joining Kincannon & Reed in September 2001. As CEO, he led the successful turnarounds of a Pepsi-Cola� bottling company in Mexico and of Latin America's largest fertilizer producer and exporter. Prior to these posts, he was Vice President, Marketing & Development of Terra Industries, a Fortune 500 NYSE publicly traded company. There he had broad strategic planning and acquisition responsibilities and directed several of the organization's key product lines, including product development and technical support for the 2500-employee company. As chairman of the Food Safety Committee of the Chemical Producers & Distributors Association, he twice testified in Congress on food safety issues. In his early career he was a consultant for McKinsey & Company and as an Associates Fellow wrote case studies for Harvard Business School's acclaimed Agribusiness program. He is fluent in Spanish and received a B.A. from Augustana College and holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Gregory Duerksen Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Michael Cooper

CFO, Managing Partner Please login

Karl-Peter Schlichting

MD, Managing Partner Please login

Bernard Auxenfans

MD - European Operations, Principal Please login

Stewart Baker

MD - United Kingdom, Principal Please login

Suzanne Cox

MD, Principal Please login

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