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Profile of Gregory Homer

Gregory Homer

Partner - Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
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Company Name : Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Company Website : www.dbr.com
Company Address : 321 Great Oaks Blvd.
, Albany, NY,
United States,
Gregory Homer Profile :
Partner - Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Gregory Homer Biography :

Gregory Homer is a partner in the Labor & Employment Practice Group.

Labor and Employment Experience. Gregory has worked extensively with experts in statistics and labor economics in the preparation and execution of defense strategies and case analyses in complex class action and multi-plaintiff employment litigation, including several nationwide class actions. In addition to defending numerous individual discrimination and employment tort actions in state and federal courts, Gregory has both defended and prosecuted breach of contract claims, particularly in the context of injunction proceedings and enforcement of covenants not to compete. He also has defended actions brought under ERISA involving denials of welfare benefits and allegations of breach of fiduciary duty.

In General. Gregory co-authored Defending and Preventing Employment Litigation, an authoritative guide to help minimize employment lawsuits, published by Aspen Publishers, and The Model Employer, a comprehensive text on employment law, published by George Washington Law School.

Gregory Homer Colleagues :
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Kathleen O'Connor Adams

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Michael Adelman

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