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Profile of Gururaj Deshpande

Gururaj Deshpande

Co - Founder, Chmn. - Sycamore Networks Inc.
Gururaj Deshpande Email :
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Company Name : Sycamore Networks Inc.
Company Website : www.sycamorenet.com
Company Address : 220 Mill Rd.
, Chelmsford, MA,
United States,
Gururaj Deshpande Profile :
Co - Founder, Chmn. - Sycamore Networks Inc.
Gururaj Deshpande Biography :

Gururaj "Desh" Deshpande has served as Chairman of Sycamore's board of directors since its inception in February 1998. He served as Sycamore's Treasurer and Secretary from February 1998 to June 1999 and as Sycamore's President from February 1998 to October 1998. Before founding Sycamore, Mr. Deshpande founded Cascade Communications Corp., a provider of wide area network switches. From October 1990 to April 1992, Mr. Deshpande served as President of Cascade and from April 1992 to June 1997, he served as Cascade's Executive Vice President of Marketing and Customer Service. Mr. Deshpande was a member of the board of directors of Cascade since its inception and was chairman of the board of directors of Cascade from 1996 to 1997.

Gururaj Deshpande Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Daniel Smith

Board Dir., Pres., CEO Please login

Kevin Oye

VP - Systems, Technology Please login

John Dowling

VP - Operations Please login

Richard Gaynor

CFO, VP Finance, Administration Please login

Paul Chisholm

Board Dir. Please login

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